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Start Your Plan...
You may have seen the sites advertised. Free sites just join here. There are a bunch of them out there.
We’ll show you some and you can search out others if you wish. Yes you can start on a free site.
There really is not that much to it. They are primarily template sites. Provided you place their banner on your web pages.
So what, for free sites what else do you want? Most sites also offer you a chance to pay a small fee to rid your site of banners,
while offering you more web space at the same time. If you feel the need to pay and that site is where you want to be.
Well go for it. Till you know enough whether you want to pay for or want your own domain. For the beginner a free site will
help teach you at the same time seeing what you can make of the web. For the Webber the goal may be for you to have your own
domain site. Do you know what you want out of the web? Yet?

Here is just a short list of sites out on the web. Including a brief summation on them. Some we’ve used,
you will find our favorites among the list too. We hope you will enjoy them. Also as offered we can help you with
the sites we have used so keep that in mind.

Click here for info on Free Web Site List

Free Web Sites...
Well there is a good start list for beginners and Webbers. If you have a free site listing you’d like to hear more about,
or recommend to us, contact us or leave a message on the board. We’ll be glad to check it out. Top on our list of sites
at this time is freeservers.com so do look into it. A great place to start!

Scared? Don’t be, yes it is scary to make that click and be committed to start. Not knowing what you are getting yourself in for.
Look at it this way, what if you don’t try? You can always drop the site if you can’t understand how to use it, or don’t need it.
But is very easy to make pages using the templates they offer. They will walk you through that part of the set up. All you need do is type text.
Add pictures and jpeg’s or Gif’s. Uploading will sometimes makes you look for it. So be patient. Some upload files are located in the file manager.
If you find it there will be a good chance to upload. Time consuming too. You will find yourself up late, trying to up load the last pic. Gadd! Been there.
Dare to dream, are you ready? Well go on now click… and hurry back of more info here. Maybe just tell us how it went.

Uploading Pictures... Jpegs and Gifs
Click here for info on Uploading Pictures